a life where your kids are confident, happy, & healthy from spending more time outside.

where they look at trees instead of screens & they gain an understanding of our worldly rhythms.

a place where kids of all ages can be themselves & gather to learn & encourage each other without the pressure of schedules & tests!

What is Barefoot University?
Our communities meet each week for forest school activities and nature exploration that align with our yearly Rhythm. Our weekly activities teach nature-based sciences and outdoor skills. Our focus may be nature, but activities expand to cover art, citizenship, local history, math, science, life skills, physical education, critical thinking, and more! Our communities also do field trips and community service projects throughout the year that often align with our activity themes.
Leaders help facilitate the meet-ups, but parents are their child‘s teachers! It’s important for parents to know what the activity is beforehand in case your children need additional instructions or you want to take the activity deeper.
If you’re looking for a group that makes everyone sit in a circle and learn a lesson, BU may not be for you. We encourage participation, but we also encourage free play and exploration!

Helen was nominated by her leaders for being a Barefooter that is a true and consistent Barefooter from the beginning! Way to go Helen!
Here’s what her leaders said about her, “Helen has been with our group since day one. She’s always willing to help out the younger kids. One time when we made bows and arrows, she patiently taught any child who wanted to, to shoot from a bow she brought from home. She is graduating this year and we will miss her very much next year, but can’t wait to see what the future has in store for her.”
We couldn’t be more excited to nominate her as Barefooter of the Month. Your Bristol, VA group is a more safe and interesting place having you as part of their community!