Barefooter of the Month

July 12, 2022

We decided to feature a new Barefooter each month that is doing amazing things. If you want to nominate someone in your community, please do so here.

Meet Norah (9) and Bentley (7) from McKinney, Texas. They are in their third year of Barefoot University and pictured with their mom, Dana. 

Have you ever heard of the Appalachian trail? It’s the longest hiking trail in North America and spans through 14 states and 2,200 miles. Norah & Bentley are hiking it right now! They are currently about 120 miles and three states into their adventure. They have been backpacking the trail for the last 6 weeks. 

Besides being nature all-stars: Norah is super crafty, the family fire starter, involved in American Heritage Girls and gymnastics. Bentley plays baseball (his team recently won the championships in their division!), loves chopping wood, building forts, and he also plays the drums. 

Their favorite forest school memory is the private tour they had of Dinosaur Valley State Park and learning to throw the Atlati spear! Watch the video below and follow Norah, Bentley, and their mom on their journey on the Appalachian Trail.
